410mm x 297mm – Acrylic – Original Sold
This painting was a wonderful journey, shared all the way with my fellow artist, the amazingly talented photographer, Sharon Leahy.
It was from her photographs that capture the spirit and rugged beauty of the old Abbey Ruins in Derrynane, Co Kerry that I have tried to recreate in painting form.
This wall with the three window arches is nearly a 1000 years old and was supposedly built by the same order of monk’s from Skellig Micheal.
There is a burial ground on the site that is still used and as per traditional, I believe the coffins are carried across the beach as it can only be accessed at certain times with the tides. Here the remains of “the great liberator” Daniel O Connells wife, Mary O Connell are buried.
I had never heard of this place before and am always amazed at the unsurpassing history and beauty in that we are blessed to have in this land.